I was recently at the World Boardgaming Championships. Obviously I played a zillion games there, but the one that really caught my attention was Merchant's Cove. This is a totally asymmetric game in the vein of Root. Each player is doing a completely different thing on their own boards, spending time as a resource and using that to produce various goods, which will be sold to adventurers coming in on boats. I fell in love with this completely, but we only had a chance to play one (of three) rounds before we had to pack up and make another event. I wanted to pick this up for myself as soon as I got home, but it was a long out of print Kickstarter. But because everything always works out perfectly for me, I had an enormous 400 item game lot traded in to the store a few days after getting home, and that lot obviously contained Merchants Cove and all relevant expansions. Beyond Merchants Cove, the other game I've been hooked on lately is Lorcana. This is a Trading Card Game, like Magic and Pokemon, but all Disney themed. This is NOT a game for the hardcore gamer. But let me tell you this - my kids are absolutely in love with the game. My wife has built more decks than I have. We've got a league starting on Wednesdays, and it's going to be run by my girls. And when my entire family falls into a game, I can't do anything but play with them. Got to encourage this type of behavior, right?
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